Become a BETA TESTER!!!
Welcome Beta Testers! As a Beta Tester for MyEmsConEd you will be assisting us in testing our website for bugs in the platform, any misspellings, or other errors. By doing this for us we will reward you with a discount on our highest Membership level.
With the PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP you will have access to all of our courses as well as all of our live courses. (Excludes AHA courses)
Once it is time to renew your membership you will receive a 20% discount off of that next years membership.
Rest assured all of our CEU courses are State of Georgia approved and NREMT accepted. Those participating in the program will keep all CEU's earned.
Message from Tom

Receive discounts for Beta Testing our Website

Keep all CEU's learned during your Beta Test

Be part of an online REVOLUTION in learning

Beta will end April 1, 2020. Register today while seats for Beta Testers are available